Children's Balance Bike 12 Inch for Boys and Girls from 2 Years with Brake | Lux4Kids

Lux4Kids 12-Inch Balance Bike – The Ideal Introduction to the World of Two-Wheelers

The Lux4Kids 12-inch balance bike is the perfect starting point for children who are beginning their journey to learning how to ride a bicycle. Unlike a tricycle, the balance bike playfully trains your child's sense of balance, which is an essential skill for future cycling. This training is crucial for developing your child's motor skills and giving them the confidence needed to balance on two wheels.

Our balance bike is equipped with a brake to further enhance your child's safety. This feature is particularly important for practicing braking and giving your child an additional sense of control. The sturdy frame ensures the necessary safety and durability, so the balance bike can withstand everyday adventures.

To ensure an optimal ergonomic position, both the handlebars and the saddle are height-adjustable. This allows you to adjust the balance bike to your child's size, ensuring that they are always riding comfortably and safely. In the beginning, your child may cautiously push themselves forward, but soon you will notice them lifting both feet off the ground more often – a clear sign that their balance is being trained.

The Lux4Kids 12-inch balance bike prepares your child perfectly for the transition to a larger bicycle. The experience gained on the balance bike makes the move to a real bicycle easy. Your child will be equipped with the confidence and balance needed to take the next step into the world of two-wheelers.

275,96 €
incl. VAT , Free shipping (DPD)
  • Available immediately